We provide a rich and engaging curriculum which builds from Pre-School (aged 2+) through to Year 6.
Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the Statutory Framework for the EYFS laid down by the Department for Education. We also provide learning opportunities and experiences beyond this. Our EYFS Curriculum is delivered through a topic based approach.
Our bespoke schemes of work (some of which are delivered through a topic based/cross-curricular approach) for KS1 and KS2 children go above and beyond the National Curriculum. We ensure that all pupils have equal access to the full range of educational opportunities that we provide. Our curriculum embraces all children no matter their gender (including gender reassignment), age, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability, disadvantage, nationality, ethnic or national origins. This is in line with the Equality Act 2010 and covers both direct and indirect discrimination.
Curriculum Map - The Link Pre-School Long Term Plan
Curriculum Map - Nursery Long Term Plan
Curriculum Map - Reception Long Term Plan
Curriculum Map - Year 1 Long Term Plan
Curriculum Map - Year 2 Long Term Plan
Curriculum Map - Year 3 Long Term Plan
Curriculum Map - Year 4 Long Term Plan
Our curriculum design ensures that pupils can achieve both knowledge and skill.
We offer a 'Knowledge Engaged' Curriculum. This means that children learn skills alongside knowledge, ensuring that both are explicitly developed. The skill is thought about first when mapping out the curriculum, but the knowledge is taught first.
There is a strong emphasis on cross-curricular teaching in order to make the curriculum relevant and meaningful to pupils and for putting knowledge into context.
On planning the implementation of our curriculum, we ensure it is rich, engaging and builds from Pre-School (aged 2+) through to Year 6.
The Medium Term plans below map out the links between National Curriculum statements and the Aiming High Skill/Knowledge statements for each subject.
Teachers assess both the skill and the knowledge in order to assess impact. We have identified key knowledge/skills within the subject areas which, once mastered, will support children in developing further.
The intended impact of our curriculum is that by the end of each academic year, the vast majority of pupils will have sustained mastery of the curriculum content that they have been studying, i.e. they can remember it and are fluent in it. Some pupils will have a greater depth of understanding.
Impact is monitored by senior and subject leaders through lesson observations, learning walks, book scrutinies, pupil voice, assessment data tracking and pupil progress meetings. We also want our pupils to develop as independent, confident, successful learners, with high aspirations, who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society - mirroring our federation motto 'Aiming High'.
Birth - 3 Development Matters Statements
Nursery Development Matters Statements
Reception Early Learning Goals
Year 1 Key Skills and Knowledge Assessment Statements
Year 2 Key Skills and Knowledge Assessment Statements
Year 3 Key Skills and Knowledge Assessment Statements
Year 4 Key Skills and Knowledge Assessment Statements
Beyond the National Curriculum
We ensure that our children have the opportunity to learn lots of additional skills and develop their knowledge and understanding fully. We take part in sports competitions and opportunities in the locality. Specialist teachers provides instrument lessons including brass, woodwind and steel pans. We ensure that all children have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of enrichment experiences, including farm visits, residentials, visitors to school, outings directly linked to areas of learning, etc.
As well as the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, we are keen to educate the whole child, including personal, social, health, emotional and citizenship (P.S.H.E and C). We also encourage children to take part in peer massage and relaxation to help meet their emotional needs. Independence and personal responsibility are taught through our culture of restorative justice. Children are encouraged to think flexibly, take risks with their learning and to pursue excellence in particular areas.
To really bring learning to life, our schools often hold theme days either across the whole school or within a year group or across the federation. These theme days may be linked to a curriculum subject such as a Science Day or focus on a particular aspect of a subject, such as a Roman History Day for Year 3. The days normally undertake a narrative, starting with an assembly or class introduction by specialist visitors or experienced staff role-playing key figures to hook the children into the day. These days offer an opportunity for children to immerse themselves within their learning and the experiences often stay with the children for their entire Primary School life and beyond.
Read, Write, Inc. (Phonics based learning)
Across the Aiming High Federation, we deliver high quality Read Write Inc. lessons. Read, Write Inc. is a phonics programme for children starting in Nursery and can support some children until Year 6. It teaches reading and writing through a systematic approach rooted in phonics. It helps all children learn to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling. The programme runs daily for 45 minutes in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One and for 15 minutes in Key Stage Two. The teaching of Phonics starts as soon as the children start Nursery with Phase 1 phonics, and when the children are ready, they move on to Read, Write Inc.
In addition, we deliver Fast Track Tutoring sessions for identified children who are making slower progress in their reading and need extra daily practice in reading sounds and words. It also supports children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Fast Track Tutoring runs daily for 5-minute sessions and has a sharp focus on the children's specific gaps.
For a parent's guide on Read, Write Inc. Phonics, click here.
For any further information about Read, Write Inc. check Visit the Ruth Miskin training here and watch the following link: